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Literature Survey on 3D Reconstruction of a Single Human’s Pose and Shape

35 minute read



Human digitization is an active and growing research topic with its sub-branches that have unique sets of problems and use-cases of application. Approaches including, but not limited to parametric-model based, model-free based, real- time, offline, single and multi-camera are all unique directions at which research is being conducted. This paper aims to outline the field as a whole and provide an overview of the current state-of- the-art as well as give an insight into older technology that has set the path for the field. Modern approaches leverage deep learning to estimate human models with a fine level of detail for clothing, facial features and can prove to be scene-aware by modelling also objects that are a focus of the human subject’s interaction. The survey concludes that the technological holy-grail has still not been achieved and with the increased use and accessibility of Virtual/Augmented Reality, human digitization will become more and more relevant in use cases such as broadcasting, teleconferencing, avatar generation and others.


Augmented Reality Indoor Positioning and Navigation

End-to-end indoor navigation system proposal. Based on internal accelerometer data and environment mapping capabilities by Magic Leap headset. Uses local area network for client/authoring devices to interact with a centralized server that performs data processing and pathfinding.

Collection of NLP Mini Projects

Collection of small NLP mini projects conducted for learning. Includes language modeling, sequence labeling, multilingual QA and others.

Structural Analysis using Finite Element Method

Comparative study of two basic bridge models. One with Warren-type truss and one without. What is the practical implication and performance improvement that the added truss structure can deliver?

The Effect of Personalized Music in Advertisement on Emotions and Memory Performance

How is a subject’s memory performance affected when experiencing video content with and without music that is personalized? We used Spotify’s API for music’s affective features, test subjects’ mood at the time of the test, and their Spotify listening trends to find the best matching song to then overlay it with the video content. We used a computer vision based framework to read test subject’s mood as an additional measurement of engagement.
Title image censored for privacy.




Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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